Keep your home looking fabulous. We specialize in cleaning and pressing the finest linens, so you can experience hotel luxury in your own home. Sleep magnificently on fresh pressed sheets, or dine lavishly on crisp tablecloths and napkins.
Keep your household items such as rugs, carpet, drapery, comforters, bedding and table linen's looking like new with award-winning cleaning from Kite's Cleaners.
Each item is inspected by our trained professionals for hard-to-remove stains and pre-spotted for the best possible dry cleaning results. Even delicate and antique items such as silk tablecloths, quilts or down comforters are no problem for us. We always follow the manufacturer's instructions while cleaning your household items to ensure the safest and highest quality service. For items that need extra special care, just let us know and we are happy to help in any way we can.
After cleaning your households, they are pressed to perfection. Tablecloths can be placed on rollers to prevent creases. For those who may want their items stored for safe-keeping, we also offer the option of folding your items and sealing them in either a moth-proof or non-toxic breathable storage bag.
We understand that some laundry needs cannot be met at home. To meet these demands, Kite's Cleaners also offers Wash & Fold Service for all your households.