Best Tips for Storage: Remember Clean, Cool, Dry & Dark does the trick! — Kite's Custom Cleaners

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3225 Alta Mere Dr
Fort Worth, TX, 76116
United States


We are a custom dry cleaners and laundry located in Fort Worth, Texas specializing in cleaning and hand finishing fine garments, household items, area rugs, and the restoration and preservation of wedding gowns. Offering free pick up and delivery in Tarrant county.

Best Tips for Storage: Remember Clean, Cool, Dry & Dark does the trick!


Dispatches from the land of Clean.

Best Tips for Storage: Remember Clean, Cool, Dry & Dark does the trick!

Nathan Kite

Before putting ANYTHING textile based away, make sure it has been laundered or dry cleaned. Body oils, perspiration, invisible tannin stains, dead skin cells, etc. are all magnets for moths and other destructive pests. Slight discoloration is another risk. - Always store textiles (table linens, clothes, bed covers, etc.) in a COOL, DRY, DARK and WELL-VENTILATED space.

Avoid the attics, basements, garages and closets located on outside walls. Attics and basements can experience dramatic fluctuations in temperature throughout the day. They can also be quite dusty, damp, and poorly ventilated. The garage tends to be dirty and has an unregulated climate. In addition, chemicals in the air from automobiles can create a hazardous atmosphere for textiles. Closets on outside walls can be susceptible to temperature extremes, especially when the homeowner is away on extended vacations.

- AVOID PLASTIC STORAGE CONTAINERS. Plastic can emit fumes that will damage dyes and/ or fibers. If you are hanging your garments for long term storage, protect it from dust or dye sublimation using an unbleached cotton or muslin cloth. If you are packing your garments away select an acid free storage box or a clean suitcase, and be sure to place acid free tissue or unbleached muslin between each item.